Magdalena Singapore presents:
Women’s Open Space IV
"The social and the personal in art-making – a Forum with women arts practitioners"
Date: 2 March 2005
Venue: The Blue Room, The Substation
Time: 7.30 pm
Admission: Free, but donations welcome
Speakers: Elaina Chong, Kimberly Creasman, Charlene Rajendran, Jean Tay
The shock of sudden catastrophe in the tsunami disaster forced many of us to re-evaluate our lives and priorities. Artists and individuals found the question “What is my role in the world/society?” charged with a new urgency even as relief and rebuilding efforts got underway.
A growing strand in art practice is the involvement of “ordinary people” in the making of art, or the idea of art as an act of giving to society and “people”. Artists have also drawn from social concerns, from autobiographical, anthropological and sociological material, and taken up a number of positions with regard to the source material: as social critic, commentator, activist, etc.
Four speakers with very different experiences – from arts education to playwriting, to fundraising for arts events and social causes - will share their views and philosophies on the relationship between the social, personal, and art practice.
About Magdalena Singapore
Inspired by the Magdalena Project ethos of sharing and networking among women in contemporary theatre, Singaporeans Verena Tay, Audrey Wong, Jaynthi Siva, Melissa WS Wong, Rabita Jamal, Agnes Law, Koo Ching Keaw and Adelina Ong came together in 2003 to form Magdalena Singapore, a group that aims to encourage and promote the work of women in the creative arts, particularly the performing arts and to provide opportunities for women to practise their craft, showcase their own work and experiment with different forms/disciplines.
About the Magdalena Project
The Magdalena Project is an international network of women in contemporary theatre linking women artists in five continents.
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