What an inspiring project and festival.
Thinking about flying up to Chiangmai to see it. There is a day where participants can go to a village to observe work that has been in progress for a year. Apparently artists have been working with residents of the village for an entire year to turn the environment into a working and living arts project/installation. wow.
Fly with Me to Another World raises awareness while conserving local heritage and identity through art. The project brings art to the people, providing an opportunity for art students and artists to work with local schools and community members to explore how art can be used as an expression of identity in everyday life. The activities are developed in the spirit of Inson Wongsam's life and works by using art to build a bridge between generations, cultures, and communities. This project aims to contribute to a new conceptualization of contemporary art and it's role in society. Activities are in collaboration with several local, national and international organizations, including city and district offices, schools, temples, museums, NGOs, non-profit art and community centers