i like this one. especially when seen with jandals. oh, and just to update you on my life barnaby - saw scribe the other day - v. good. looking forward to goldenhorse in august. wiremu planning trip to edinburgh early aug or sep - maybe you two could combine if you are coming? and out of interest, hows the info on the g8 in edinburgh on your side of the world? Big make poverty history march here on sat. luv, bee
i like this one. especially when seen with jandals. oh, and just to update you on my life barnaby - saw scribe the other day - v. good. looking forward to goldenhorse in august. wiremu planning trip to edinburgh early aug or sep - maybe you two could combine if you are coming? and out of interest, hows the info on the g8 in edinburgh on your side of the world? Big make poverty history march here on sat. luv, bee
Posted by: Belinda | June 30, 2005 at 07:44 PM