When I first read about the DDD project (some guys are painting derelict buildings in Detroit "Tiggerific Orange" to protest urban decay) I was pissed off. I like nothing better than a decaying building, and I hate nothing more than a coat of fresh orange paint. After reading a bit more maybe the ends justify the means... but still, orange?
UPDATE - maybe I'm getting it wrong, but it seems that these artists are making a statement that they WANT these buildings demolished. I'm hoping it's because of some back to nature let-the-whole-world-be-a-garden thing, otherwise this is not good.
LOVE.. the orange
Posted by: c-mon | February 25, 2006 at 09:58 AM
They DO want them torn down. I'm from Detroit and it's a matter of rampant dereliction. There are so many of them that they are a terrible problem for residents. Many of the abanoned wrecks in Detroit become homes for packs of wild dogs (really), drug addicts, and rat infestations. The city is terrible about terring them down, procrastinating decades before anything is done. I am all for urban exploration of abandonments, but these are definitely of an entirely different order.
Posted by: Gregory Lee | February 03, 2007 at 10:33 AM