"we put lots of effort and care into shooting the films directly onto 35mm, perfecting the sound mixes, and quality-controlling them like vultures, so it's a little heartbreaking to see them flippantly downgraded into little mono video files by some 10 year old who doesn't know what he's doing.. and for all the world to see.. so it bugs me when that's how some people might be first exposed to your work. films are not meant to be seen on the internet. it's clearly an inevitable thing to deal with, i just hope people understand that what they're downloading is the equivalent of drinking a glass of fine wine after it's been filtered through a sewer. it's really not quite the same wine after that." Don Hertzfeldt
link to little mono video file flippantly downgraded by some 10 year old who doesn't know what he's doing
link to Don's website where you can buy the Academy Award nominated animated short film on DVD for $13